Job Board
Updated daily, our job boards have the latest job advertisements posted for your convenience. Gathered from various sources, we include job openings in Greenstone as well as the surrounding areas. Other bulletin boards advertise upcoming workshops and courses.
Resource Library
Books: Browse through our books on job search tips, resume and cover letter writing, job interview techniques, overcoming employment barriers, dealing with job loss, and more.. Employer Information: Employer directories are available to you to find local company contacts, mailing addresses, phone and fax numbers, as well as the types of positions they have.
Internet, Computers & Printers
Four computers with Internet access and a printer are available, in both our Longlac and Geraldton offices, for you to use for your independent job searching, resume writing, career planning, and training research. Assistance is available if you need it. If you have your own computer, wireless Internet is also available, at no charge, for job search purposes. We can also assist you in setting up your own email account. Certificate courses can also be done using our computers. See Workshops & Certificates page for more information.
Photocopier, Fax Machine & Telephone
These services are available free of charge for employment and training purposes. We can provide you with photocopies of your resume and cover letter and fax them to employers for you. You may use our telephone for employment related purpose such as to contact employers, register for courses, make cold calls, and job interviews.