Our Team
Our knowledgeable and professional staff are available to assist you with your employment and training needs.
Mandate: Specialized employment assistance services for individuals of all ages who are legally entitled to work in Canada.
Mission: Helping people find employment.
Vision: Recognized leaders in assisting people to achieve employment
Carol Mercier – Executive Director
Email: carol.mercier@mtwjobassist.ca
Tricia Bois – Assistant Executive Director
Email: tricia.bois@mtwjobassist.ca
Ginette Dumont – Resource Clerk
Email: receptiongeraldton@mtwjobassist.ca
Angele Serre – Resource Clerk
Email: receptionlonglac@mtwjobassist.ca
Matthew Donovan – Bookkeeper/IT
Email: matthew.donovan@mtwjobassist.ca
Val Lacroix – Employment Advisor/Job Developer
Email: val.lacroix@mtwjobassist.ca
Janet Gile – Employment Advisor/Job Developer
Email: janet.gile@mtwjobassist.ca
Guylaine Theberge-Employment Advisor/Job Developer
Email: guylaine.theberge@mtwjobassist.ca
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have questions or need to book an appointment.